Monday, November 9, 2009

Mass chaos in my boring life

Work has been making my crazy. Honestly these last few days I've just been going on, doing my job, and getting the fuck out without trying not to scream at certain people. I feel like I'm on a completely different intellectual plane than anyone else in there. Pathetic. That's why I'm so ready to get back into school so I can get a big girl job.
On that note, I'm ready to go back to Austin. I miss my freedom. I know that I need to get my plans taken care of for the next year before I actually get to moving back. I'm driving in tomorrow and I'm gonna make a list of what I need to do:
- Car registration/inspection
-See Mom
-Visit Sarah at school
-Grocery shopping at Natural Grocer (they are WAY cheaper than HEB, which is weird)
-Maybe a little trip for myself to Buffalo Exchange or Urban Outfitters

Well, now that I've bored everyone..that's all! Time to get ready for work...lame.

Ciao luffs.

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