Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hump day!

I've done a bad job of updating every day! The last few days were uneventful anyway...just consisted of work and laying in bed. I've also been bad with my "focus list" but I definitely have time to knock a few things out today before work. I found this awesome website that I think everyone should check out. Here's a link: ZenIsStupid It's a couple and they live in Japan (I think) and they own a yoga studio there. It's actually super funny and insightful all at the same time.
On Monday I decided that I wanted to get rid of my black hair, so I went to a pretty light brown/dark blonde and I still startle myself when I look in the mirror cause I haven't been without black hair in about 5 years! But I do like it.
I've been retiring from my days way earlier than usual...Last night I went over to the Seals' for some guy-friend time with Stuart and Pat and ended up leaving at 12:30 cause I was falling asleep. What the hell is wrong with me?
I decided I'm going to be a pin-up girl for Halloween. I'll be able to get my hair done for the Halloween party at work before I leave for Austin, so that's perfect.
Well, it's time to get started on my list before I have to leave for work at 2:45. Have a lovely day, friends!

1 comment:

Adriana said...

Oh man, I can't stay up late either! I'm glad I'm not the only ex-night owl who was wondering WTF? Lol! It's good to see you on blogger, I put you on "follow" and linked ya on my page... love ya girl!